Wednesday 11 March 2009

Another Anniversary Card

I made this for my mother & father in laws wedding anniversary which is later this month. Isn't it weird that both my parents and Jim's parents got married the same month but two years apart ???

This magnolia stamp is actually a christmas one (as she has holly in her hair) but I think I've managed to cover this up / cut it off so it's not obvious. Seems such a shame to only use her at Christmas time - she's so cute.

scrap everything: Heading towards 25,000 hits: Candy time!!!

Closes 15th March 2009 - Karin over at Scrap Everything is heading towards 25,000 hits and is giving out this great Candy.

Monday 2 March 2009

Anniversary Card

Here is the anniversary card that I have made for Mum & Dad's anniversary on 15th of this month. I guess you never really realise that your parents were young once until you dig around in the photo albums and find the treasures in it like this one.

Mum still has her wedding dress wrapped in black paper and in a box in the attic, it's beautiful ........... and tiny. I did try it on just before my second wedding but I couldn't get it done up at the back.

I am always amazed at how old people looked in these old photos. My Mum must have been around 20 years old and therefore this made my Nan only 41 (lady second in from the right) - yet she looks so much older than that.

Flat Boobs

Well I'm off for my first mamogram tomorrow and I am very nervous. My ex Sister in Law said it hurt like mad, and my best friend said it wasn't so bad but you had to stand in strange positions to get your boobs in the right place ................ so I can't wait !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jim asked me where it was I had to go for it - and when I said "it's in the Car Park next to the new Sofa Shop on the Industrial Estate" he said he hoped they had a portable surgery or portacabin ............... I'm sure they will ........ won't they ?

I'll let all you under 50's know tomorrow what it was like.